New Supreme Court Petition

November 30, 2015

BREAKING: Just as Women of the Wall marks 27 years of struggle for women’s rights at the Kotel, a new step: A Supreme Court petition by Susan Weiss (Center for Women’s Justice) against the ban on Torah for women at the Kotel. Anat Hoffman, Women of the Wall Chair: “This petition is further proof that women in Israel want to read Torah at the Kotel. Israeli society is primed for this historic intersection. This petition is a direct result of Judge Moshe Sobel’s 2013 District Court decision, in which the rights of Women of the Wall to read Torah at the Kotel were confirmed.” Despite Rabinowitz’s continuing efforts to deny women access to Torah scrolls at the public site, Women of the Wall have managed to read Torah at the Kotel 6 times this year.
Hoffman continued, “On Hanukah, Rabbi Rabinowitz has the opportunity to prove to the Jewish world that he is committed to resolving this conflict, by inviting women to participate in a national candle-lighting ceremony at the Kotel.”
The article (in Hebrew) on Ynet:

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